Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to display all tables in different databases

In this article, we will see how to connect to the different databases(MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2) and how to display the all table names. 


Connect to the database:
mysql [-u username] [-h hostname] database-name

To list all databases, in the MySQL prompt type:
show databases

Then choose the right database:
use <database-name>

List all tables in the database:
show tables

Describe a table:

desc <table-name>


Connect to the database: 
connect username/password@database-name;

To list all tables owned by the current user, type:
select tablespace_name, table_name from user_tables;

To list all tables in a database:
select tablespace_name, table_name from dba_tables;

To list all tables accessible to the current user, type:
select tablespace_name, table_name from all_tables;

To describe a table:
desc <table_name>;


Connect to the database:
psql [-U username] [-h hostname] database-name

To list all databases, type either one of the following:

To list tables in a current database, type:

To describe a table, type:
\d <table-name>


Connect to the database:
db2 connect to <database-name>;

List all tables:
db2 list tables for all;

To list all tables in selected schema, use:
db2 list tables for schema <schema-name>;

To describe a table, type:
db2 describe table <table-schema.table-name>;
Happy coding...