
Java is a set of computer software and specifications developed by Sun Microsystems, which was later acquired by the Oracle Corporation, that provides a system for developing application software and deploying it in a cross-platform computing environment. Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms from embedded devices and mobile phones to enterprise servers and supercomputers.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Case Insensitive Sorting Example in Oracle11g

Step1: Create Employee table create table employee(id int, name varchar(20)); Step2: Insert values to Employee tableinsert into employee values(1,'Ranga');insert into employee values(2,'rAnga Reddy');insert into employee values(3,'Raja');insert into employee values(4,'raJa Reddy');insert into employee values(5,'raja');insert into employee values(6,'Reddy');insert into employee values(7,'ranga'); Step3: Select the Employee values with out sortingselect * from employee;------------------------------------------- ID NAME1 Ranga2 rAnga Reddy3...

Friday, February 14, 2014

Formatting source code on Blogger

The following are the few sites to format a source code on blogger.

Java program to check if number is Armstrong or not.

/** * @file : * @description : *//** A number is called as ARMSTRONG number if,sum of cube of every digit present in the number is equal to the number itself then that number is called as armstrong number.For example the 153 is a armstrong number because 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 =153.  Some of the Armstrong number are 0, 1, 153, 370, 371, 407  */package com.ranga.collections;import java.util.Scanner;/** * Java program to check if number is Armstrong or not. * @author: ranga * @date: Feb 13, 2014 */public...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

New Features in Spring Framework 4.0:

New Features in Spring Framework 4.0:The Spring 4.0 is the latest major release of Spring framework which the support for Java 8, JEE 7, REST WebServices and HTML 5 supports.Removed Deprecated Packages and Methods - In Spring Framework 4.0 all deprecated packages, classes and methods have been removed.Java 8 support - Spring Framework 4.0 provides support for several Java 8 features such as expression of callbacks using lambdas, JSR 310 Date and Time API, and parameter name discovery.Java EE 7 support - Spring Framework 4.0 supports the Java EE...

New Features in Spring Framework 3.x

New Features in Spring Framework 3.x:Java 5 Support - The core API of Spring 3.0 framework is using Java 5, so Java5 or above is required to run Spring 3.0 based applications. Java 5 features such as generics and annotations and varargs can be used in Spring 3.0 Framework based applications. The Spring 3.0 is fully compatible with the JEE1.4 and JEE5.Spring Expression Language (SpEL) - Spring 3.0 introduces Spring Expression Language (SpEL), a powerful expression language that supports querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime. With...

New Features in Spring Framework 2.5:

New Features in Spring Framework 2.5:Annotation-driven configuration:  Annotation-driven dependency injection through @Autowired annotation and fine-grained auto wiring control with@Qualifier.Support for JSR-250 annotations including @Resource for dependency injection of a named resource, as well as @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy for life-cycle methods.Autodetecting components in the classpath: Spring 2.5 introduces support component scanning: autodetecting annotated components in the classpath. Typically, such component classes will be annotated...

Step by Step to develop Spring4.0 Application

Step1:  Create Java ProjectThe first step is to create a simple Java Project using Eclipse IDE. Follow the option File -> New -> Project and finally select Java Project wizard from the wizard list. Now name your project as HelloWorld.Step 2 - Add Required Libraries:Add Spring Framework and common logging API libraries in HelloWorld project. To do this, right click on your project name HelloWorld and then follow the following option available in context menu: Build Path -> Configure Build Path to display the Java Build Path.Now use...